2023 – 2024 Club Meeting Speakers

September 20st

Our Celebration Garden Club September speaker will be Brian Causey. He is the owner of Exquisite Lawn Care and takes care of many lawns in Celebration. Brian is also the CROA contractor for taking care of our parks and public use areas in town. He is going to tell us what he does to keep Celebration looking beautiful.  He has seen a lot of problems while taking care of yards and he will give us info on what we can do for our yards to make them healthier.  

October 18th

The October presenter will be Jessica Sullivan who will talk citrus trees. Much has been made of the Greening disease affecting our citrus trees for the last decade. Now there are new variants that are much more resistant to Greening and Jessica will talk about them. She will discuss buying citrus, planting and care of them. The citrus growers in Florida are only producing about 10% of the production from 15 years ago. Hopefully new variants and treatments can bring healthier trees to both commercial growers and Celebration residents. 

November 15th

The November presenter will be Mark Russell. Mark is an agronomist and works for Four Seasons. He is in charge of all of their horticulture care and design. He will be talking about Florida native pollinator plants and how they can beautify an area. As they are Florida native plants they survive our extremes in temperatures and rainfall thus leading to less expense due to less replanting costs and less maintenance.  

January 17th

The January meeting will see a presentation by the ARC here in town. As you know, ARC is the authority when it comes to making changes to your property. I have asked them to present on a number of items that can directly affect your property. Knowing what is expected, who to contact and how to write up a request makes getting a change done proceed more smoothly. 

February 21st

The February Club meeting will see a return of a lecturer from last year. Hannah Wooten will talk to us about shade gardens. We all have those shady areas in our yard that need special attention when designing them. What types of plants can flourish in shade?  What problems with fungus and viruses can you run into? Hannah will discuss all of this and more. She is a very engaging speaker. 

March 13th *note this meeting is the 2nd Wednesday

Our March presentation is will be held a week early to accommodate the scheduled speakers. The presentation will be given by the Audobon Raptor Rehabilitation group from Maitland. The presentation will feature three long term birds that they bring to show during their lectures. This group takes in injured birds of prey and rehabilitates them for release back into the wild. We hope to be able to share this presentation with Thriving in Place and Lifelong. Note -This meeting will be on the second Wednesday of March, not the third.